Salesforce Development Experience (SalesforceDX) is marking a pivotal shift in the CRM development dynamics. What makes it stand out and resonate strongly amidst the lightning platform is its ability to build collaboratively, integrate continuously, and most importantly, release faster development cycles. This blog is a quick guide that takes you through the top 10 ways to leverage SalesforceDX for faster and more efficient development. However, before directly jumping on it, let us first have an overview
regarding what is SalesforceDX and why it is considered a developer’s powerhouse.
What is Salesforce DX?
SalesforceDX (SFDX) is a set of command-line software development tools & services that help salesforce developers in building, managing, testing, and deploying the source code to production salesforce org. SFDX also aids developers in rendering various applications on the Salesforce platform.
Featured Tools in SalesforceDX
1.Salesforce CLI
Salesforce Command Line Interface (CLI) enables developers to execute Salesforce commands while working with SFDX. Once CLI is installed on the developer’s local
machine, they can manage the org and source code hassle-free, eliminating the requirement of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
2.Scratch orgs
Scratch orgs provide a flexible, risk-free ecosystem for code modifications, whilst keeping your source code intact and pristine. Scratch orgs render a replica of the schema data model plus the configured settings. Creating a short-lived Salesforce org ecosystem for the developers to test changes without affecting the original data, Scratch orgs provide a safer working environment for the developers.
Sandboxes help developers replicate temporary configurations to test more complex scenarios comprising data integration, training, user feedback, and much more. As
compared to scratch orgs, sandboxes render a long-lived replica ecosystem for pre-production testing.
4.Dev Hub Org
Dev Hub org allows salesforce developers to store metadata and namespaces of the project, making it available across the orgs. Moreover, it allows developers to push &
pull metadata between the local Git repository and interconnected orgs seamlessly. As a result, developers can easily move the modified code to scratch orgs, as well as
retrieve updated metadata from the orgs. Also, to run scratch orgs and packaging features of the SFDX, one needs to connect the CLI to Dev Hub.
5.Visual Studio Code Plugin
Visual Studio is a cross-platform, highly customizable editor for the lightning platform. It offers some unique features like Apex live debugging, syntax highlighting, code
completion, and much more. Hence making it an enjoyable desktop editing experience for salesforce developers.
Coming to an integral part of this blog, let us now delve deeper into how SalesforceDX aids in an efficient and faster development process.
The Top 10 benefits of leveraging SalesforceDX for efficient development.
1.SalesforceDX promotes source-code-oriented development
SalesforceDX facilitates tight integration with version control systems and better team collaboration, thereby encouraging source-code-centered development. With SFDX, a
source code is the central element of a development cycle.
2.SalesforceDX encourages developing modular components
SalesforceDX emphasizes on developing modular and reusable components, resulting in improved code organization as well as better code quality.
3.Scratch orgs facilitate a-risk-free and safe development ecosystem
Through Scratch orgs, developers can easily and quickly set up a temporary testing ecosystem replicating its source. Hence, it becomes easy for developers to render
changes, modify codes, and test efficiently, leading to a safe development space.
4.Advanced DevOps practices promote CI/CD seamlessly
Advanced DevOps in SalesforceDx promotes highly efficient workflows. Once the source codes are evaluated and validated in the scratch orgs, developers can run the
modified packages downstream of the development ecosystem automatically. As a result, any prevailing issues are identified at an early stage. This results in Continuous
Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) throughout the pipeline.
5.Metadata format aids in streamlining complex deployments effortlessly
The new metadata format of SalesforceDx helps developers simplify complex development cycles, thereby improving development efficiency.
6.SalesforceDX enhances team collaboration
Seamless transit of metadata across the GitHub repository and interconnected orgs, as well as key benefits of multiple namespaces, enhances team collaboration throughout the development cycle.
7.SalesforceDX sandboxes for pre-production testing
For salesforce developers who require a prolonged ecosystem aimed at pre-production testing, SalesforceDX sandboxes are a better alternative. As compared to scratch orgs, sandboxes offer a long-lived testing ecosystem that mirrors the source code; thereby facilitating a safe development space.
8.Salesforce CLI furthers agile development throughout the lifecycle of an application
With Salesforce CLI, developers can create a tailored development workspace. Salesforce CLIs are built across open APIs. So, it can be leveraged into any development workflow easily. Moreover, it performs a variety of complex actions as well as can be easily customized with plugins and packages.
9.Automated testing and deployment accelerate the development cycles
With powerful tools like scratch orgs and DevOps, SalesforceDX renders automated testing and deployment of codes. This results in faster release cycles, accelerating the
overall development process.
10. Completely API-driven functionality as well as easy sharing of apex codes
SalesforceDX offers multiple packages per namespace. As a result, developers can easily share the Apex code and streamline the source code. Also, rather than using
global apex classes, developers can use public apex classes across the packages.
Hence concluding, that SalesforceDX is indeed a powerhouse for developers. With a tailored toolkit, backed with precise industry-standard workflows and better tool
integrations, SalesforceDX helps developers streamline an agile and efficient development process; that too effortlessly. Now, developers can deliver high-quality
applications quickly and successfully.